Kamis, 19 April 2012


Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Ya this is Sweeto's Blog
Aha, you know what sweeto is?
Let's tell you
Sweeto is the name of XI Science 2 at Senior High School Number 4 Lahat Academic Year 2011/2012
We have our Class Master (CM) named Sisca Iramala Dewi, S.Pd
We always called her Bundo or Bunda
And then our Captain is Adi Nugraha
He thinks that he's so handsome (but we all disagree with him, peace Di)
Then the Vice Captain is Rabbi Pandu Angkasa
Just a simple boy with glasses
Next our Secretary are Putri Andita Belianti and Olivia Alfath Azhari
They did they job well
The last out Moneyhandle are Maudy Shera S.A and Lira Aiswinni
Don't be late to pay for the Class Money
Maybe just that for the introducing of Sweeto
Finally, enjoy this blog
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

2 komentar:

  1. Good Luck!!

    Don't think it's just a Blog's competition,
    But enjoying this Blog to give information for everyone about your amazing class :)

    Best regards

  2. kurang rame dek :D
    tapi yang paling mengesankan tu foto kelas kalian d awal blog, ntah ngapo kk tertegun pas liat Pandu (a.k.a. Ucok) hahahaha ;D

    Tambahinlah add-onsny jugo, trutama shoutbox & blogfollowers ;)
